Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My sister introduced to me a whole new world of tea! I personally hate the taste of tea, any and all tea, except for this one.

What you will need:
  • A 2liter of 7-up
  • Lipton Lemon instant tea (the powder)
  • Ice
  • and at least a 2-1/2 liter pitcher.

Now, to make this amazing stuff, fill the pitcher about a third of the way with ice. you have to put the ice first or it will make it foam up even worse than it already does. Next, Pour about 1-1/2Cups (we just Eye it) of the dry tea on top of the ice. AGAIN, you have to do it in this order! Finally, SLOWLY pour the soda into the ice/tea. It is normal for it to foam up, just scoop the foam off the top as it topples over. And there you have it! I haven't found a person that doesn't like this, I will be having this at my baby-shower for sure! :)